African Goodwill Awards Nomination Categories

Lifetime Achievement Award

The highest tribute awarded by AFI, this individual has committed themselves, career and life to their cause and have been in the forefront of their community. The Lifetime Achievement recipient’s dedication to, and the elevation of their work has made a significant lasting impact on scores of people whom they’ve touched, directly or indirectly. The recipient has given of themselves personally and professionally, to bring awareness to their profession, to better the lives of others, as they have themselves have continued to grow. They have created a living legacy for current and future generations and overcome challenges. The recipient’s career or work must have a span of at least 25 years and they must be committed to the betterment of people in the African Diaspora, Africa and the world.

Ambassador of Goodwill Award

The AFI Ambassador of Goodwill Award recognizes individuals or an organization, whose work and exemplary track record clearly reflects their dedication and their quest to uplifting the plight of the human condition. This award is given to those who foster or facilitate human wellbeing, socio-economic empowerment and the advancement and advocacy of the severely underprivileged, physically or mentally challenged, those who may be homeless, children who have lost their parents due to war, political unrest, sickness or and any other issues related to the human plight. This person may work in a missionary capacity, volunteer, or have the ability to rally other likeminded individuals together to support their cause. They understand the need for financial and natural resources, but most value most the people- the human resources that make the world go around. They adopt schools, work in hospitals, provide homes for children, and use their hands to build things. Together they lead others, execute the logistics to accomplish their mission which is to help those who are less fortunate, when no visible means is in sight. Sacrificing and often putting their own well-being and safety on the line so that others will have a better way is the norm not the exception. Intervention and transparency and compassion are the tools they use to turn around a crisis situation in a community, an inner city or a second or third world country and strategically and systematically make a measurable and positive difference in Africa, the Caribbean, the Diaspora and the world.

Thy Brother’s Keeper Award

The AFI Thy Brother’s Keeper Award candidate is an individual who has demonstrated, through their actions and proven track record of selflessly giving of himself or herself for the ultimate betterment of other people in Africa, throughout the Diaspora or in their local community. This individual is a leader, a peace-maker, an advocate for a cause that they believe in, and a protector of and spokesperson for those that may be less fortunate than them. This person has a strong, verifiable track-record of civic service. Their resourcefulness, vision, passion, determination and compassion have a visible and positive difference in their world. Their sacrifices will markedly make the lives and places they touched better than they found it.

African Jewel Award

The AFI African Jewel Award is given to an individual whose emanates warmth, radiance, and sparkle while their accomplishments shine onto others so that they may be inspired as a result. They are often in the public eye, and are immediately recognizable for their work. They use their “personal celebrity” to engage others, inspire creativity, and give people young and old to be the best they can be in whatever they chose to do. To this candidate, being a role model is part of their moral fiber and responsibility and they do not take that lightly, but instead, let their positive actions define their status. This person is a risk-taker, and has forged a path for themselves in their career and mastered a way to use their personal expression, and who they are to fuel the momentum in the career or cause that they represent. Acknowledgement and edification of other peoples’ role that contributed to their success is recognized often and is paid forward for the betterment of others. The African Jewel is also philanthropic and continues to provide service to people in Africa, throughout the Diaspora, and around the world.

Career Achievement Award

The AFI Career Achievement Award candidate has excelled in their field of concentration or career. This individual is a trailblazer in the truest sense of the word. This visionary has substantial accomplishments in their area of expertise and has surpassed the standards that define their industry. They have overcome numerous roadblocks, tribulations and challenges through determination, persistence and hard work. They have invented and reinvented themselves, and were not afraid of failure, but instead failed to be afraid. They encourage and provide support as part of their team, and understand that someone inspired them. Their achievement is recognized and reaches far and wide from Africa, throughout the Diaspora, in their professional communities, their local communities and in the world at large.

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