African focus


African Focus, Incorporated is a registered non-profit organization based in California that focuses on the growth and well being of Africans all around the world.


Our focus is to promote growth and well being of Africans all around the world through knowledge and appreciation of one another as well as building a bridge of love and understanding with other people.


Organizational Profile African Focus Incorporated (AFI) is a registered non-profit organization based in California, which focuses on the educational and economic growth and well being of Africans all around the world. AFI derives its funds through public and private donations and is responsible for the following programs:

  • African Family Induction Ceremony

  • African Goodwill Recognition Award

  • African Focus Trailblazers Tours

  • African Dance Competition & Showcase Los Angeles

  • African Family Day

  • Goodnews Widows Microfinance Project

  • General Relief .




(310) 676-7300

2809 Crenshaw Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90016